Team details

Team members

Asst.Prof.Dr.Chontisa (Dr.Sherry)- (CEO-Founder/Innovator

Dr. Pensiri (Dr.Mam)- (COO)-Project manager

Warathaya (Nahm)- Finance/Account- Facilliator

Nat Sawe Trapipong - CFO

Dr.Attaporn (Dr.At) - Strategic consultant

Passachon (Fon) - Sales Engineer

Project details

Describe your product and your key goals

<aside> <img src="/icons/apple_blue.svg" alt="/icons/apple_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Describe your product BioCircuit Technology Our BioCircuit wastewater treatment technology harnesses the power of naturally occurring microorganisms to break down pollutants in wastewater. We've developed a unique system that combines advanced biological processes with innovative engineering design, resulting in a highly efficient and sustainable solution.

Key Features and Benefits:

<aside> <img src="/icons/bullseye_green.svg" alt="/icons/bullseye_green.svg" width="40px" /> What you want to achieve by March 2025

Describe what you need the most

<aside> <img src="/icons/bell-notification_pink.svg" alt="/icons/bell-notification_pink.svg" width="40px" /> Describe the kinds of help you need the most (funding, expertise, technology, access, etc).

Describe your customers and the problem you are solving

<aside> <img src="/icons/brain_blue.svg" alt="/icons/brain_blue.svg" width="40px" /> Describe your target customers

  1. Agricultural Operations

    Farms and ranches looking for ways to manage animal waste and reuse treated water for irrigation.

  2. Municipalities

    Cities and towns seeking sustainable and cost-effective solutions for managing their wastewater treatment infrastructure. Industrial Facilities: Manufacturing plants, food processing facilities, and other industries that generate large volumes of wastewater and face strict discharge regulations.

  3. Commercial Buildings

    Hotels, restaurants, and other businesses with high water consumption seeking to reduce their environmental impact and comply with water regulations.


<aside> <img src="/icons/emoji-disappointed_pink.svg" alt="/icons/emoji-disappointed_pink.svg" width="40px" /> What pain points are you trying to solve?


BCS 100 cu.m - XYD หมุนรอบ_1080p.mp4

Biocircuit Technology

Inno Green Tech ep.1

Inno Green Tech ep.2

About Inno Green Tech

About Inno Green Tech

Inno Green Tech Team

Inno Green Tech Team